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3 of the Worst Plumbing Emergencies

A little annoyance can quickly develop to a huge head-splitting problem when it comes to your plumbing. Plumbing disasters are one of the worst things that can happen in your home, and it can snowball pretty quick when shrugged off.

In worst-case scenarios, it can affect your electricity, drains, water supply, and even your hygiene. Unless you can reach your professional plumber any hour of the day, your house might be in danger because of water damage or another plumbing-related issue.

Here is a list of the following emergency plumbing Sydney that you definitely would want to avoid as much as possible. If you happen to encounter these (by some stroke of bad luck), immediately call for your professional plumber.

Loss of water supply because of a damaged main pipe

If you start to notice that there is little to no water coming out when you turn on the faucets in you home, it can probably be one of two things: your main pipe has a major leak which means that your water bill is skyrocketing despite the lack of water, or that it is municipal trouble which means that your area has broken water main.

Check with your neighbours if they are experiencing the same thing and notify the necessary authorities. Signs can include a drop in water pressure, little to no water supply, and dampness on your lawn.

Blocked sewer line

Most people have little thought for the sewer lines of their houses when it is one of the most important aspects of having a comfortable and hygienic life. Sewer blockages can also pose a variety of health hazards.

When your sewer line becomes blocked due to too much waste materials clogging your sewer pipe, expect sewage backing up into your house’s sewer pipelines. This is something most homeowners dread and consider as a nightmare-come-to-life.

You can watch for signs like multiple clogs occurring in your home and funky smells coming from your drains. Once you spot these, call for your plumber to have it checked and solved.

Major pipe leaks

Major pipe leaks can occur out of sight, yet it’ll literally blow up in your face once it worsens to a certain degree. If ignored, you might be dealing with a surprise flooding in your home. It’s important that you watch out for its signs – steep water bills, low water pressure, dampness on your wall or floors, and discoloured stains on your ceilings or walls.

These all point to a major pipe leak which can be dealt with early on by your plumber. Spotting this problem early on will also save you from paying for an expensive water bill and repurchasing new furniture to replace the damaged ones.

These are some of the major plumbing emergencies you would want to avoid. Now that you know what signs to look out for, you’ll be more equipped to prevent these emergencies in the future. It would also be ideal for periodic plumbing maintenance done in your home to keep your plumbing in tiptop shape.
