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Ways to Protect Your Rug from Stains

Rugs and carpets are a huge investment that needs to be protected so they can last long. However, with kids and pets running around your house, rugs are bound to get dirty and stained.

You can come across different ways of Rug cleaning Gold Coast. However, other measures can be taken for preventing rugs from getting stained. Apart from availing Best Rug Cleaners in Gold Coast there are some effective ways of keeping your rugs protected from stains.

Let’s discuss the excellent ways to protect your rugs from stains!

Treat Spills Immediately

Accidents are inevitable. There’s not a lot you can do for preventing rug spills. However, it is important to understand that the faster you clean rug spills the less damage is likely to occur.

  • Use the Infamous Blotting Technique

As soon as the spill occurs, you should get ready to bloat the liquid. Make sure you don’t apply pressure or rub the stains. Your pressure will push the liquid deeper into the rug fibers. The stain can spread in a vast area and make the situation worse for professional rug cleaners.

Just use a dry towel or blotting paper for absorbing the liquid from your rugs. Make way from the side of the stain to the center.

  • Some kinds of liquid should not be blotted using water. Ink stains, greasy stains, and mud stains should be cleaned by Professional Rug Cleaners.

Prepare Homemade Detergent for Rug cleaning

Rug stains can be treated at home if they are of minor level. You can find ingredients in your kitchen that do wonder in removing rug stains. So, based on the source of rug stains gather a few items and make your homemade detergent for cleaning rugs.

Liquid Soap, Vinegar, and Water

For removing spills that have been incurred immediately, you need liquid soap, water, and vinegar. Mix 1 tablespoon of vinegar and liquid soap in two cups of water and store the solution in a spray bottle.

Apply this solution on the rug stains and leave for 30 minutes. Later rinse the detergent using water.

Keep your rugs outside in the sun for a few hours. Make sure your rugs are completely dry to prevent them from developing molds.

Baking Soda, Liquid Soap, and Hydrogen Peroxide

Treatment of tough stains caused by mustard sauce and slime is pretty challenging. However, you can give a try to this effective rug stain cleaning solution. Just mix 2 tablespoons of liquid soap and baking soda with 1/4th of hydrogen peroxide.

Apply the solution and rub it using a soft-bristled brush. Don’t leave the solution on the stained area for a long time.

Rinse and blot the liquid and dry it properly.

  • Run Colorfastness Test

Before applying the homemade detergent on your rug stains make sure to do a patch test. Some ingredients like vinegar and hydrogen peroxide can damage the color of your rugs.

Read the labels attached with the rugs or visit the manufacturer’s website for gathering the right information. Or contact experts of professional rug cleaning Gold Coast for better guidance.

Hire Professional Rug Cleaning Services

When all the DIY tricks fail to give you an impressive result, it is high time to contact professional rug cleaners for rug cleaning service Gold Coast.

Experts have innovative and effective methods of dealing with all kinds of carpet and rug stains. They use industry-approved eco-friendly cleaning solvents that remove tough and old stains from your rugs without damaging them.

When you aren’t confident with DIY tricks for rug washing Gold Coast simply rely on professionals. The experts provide guaranteed services and useful tips for keeping rugs stain-free for a long time.

Get Stain Resistant Treatment from Professionals

For keeping your valuable rugs safe, you can avail carpet rug cleaning service along with stain-resistant treatment. The professional treatment adds a blanket of the layer to your rugs. Moreover, you can apply a store-bought stain-resistant spray on your rugs or professional rug cleaners for the same.

You should know that rug stain-resistant treatment won’t repel all kinds of stains. But, the treatment will make it easier for you to remove stains as soon as it occurs.

Say NO to Shoes on Rugs

As soon as you get professional services for rug washing Gold Coast you need to make rules for your house. Make sure your family members don’t walk on your rugs wearing shoes.

Shoes bring a lot of dirt and allergens from outside that settles directly inside the rug fibers. This minor change in habit can boost the lifespan of your rugs while helping in creating a healthy environment indoors.

Use Plastic Mats and Door Mats

The use of doormats is one intelligent way of keeping dust outside your house. Make sure to place a sturdy rug just outside your door. This way you can assure the safety of your rugs and protect them from getting stained.

Alternatively, you can use plastic mats, if you have carpeted rooms. You can place these plastic mats on high traffic areas or for protecting food spills.

Final Words

Follow these useful tips and keep your prized possession safe from stains. Make sure to get professional rug cleaning service Gold Coast at least twice a year. Experts can get rid of tough and old stains effortlessly.

Call us now +61480032533 and get your rugs cleaned and fresh smelling!
