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When to Get a Replacement for Your Home’s Locks

The locks on your home are one of the things you use multiple times a day, every day, but may never think twice about. Locks are your first line of defense when it comes to protecting your home, and it is important to remember to replace them when they become old or damaged. You may also want to change your locks in the event of missing keys or after a new move.

Old Locks

Locks can last a while, but there will come a point when the mechanism may start to fail making it difficult to throw the bolt properly. When this happens, it’s time to change out your locks. If the mechanism isn’t working properly anymore it can be easy to think you’ve locked your door without fully engaging the latch which can leave your home open and vulnerable. Also, old locks can have brittle internal parts which can be easier to pick or break.

Lost Keys

If you lose your keys, it may be tempting to wait and see if you find them again before changing your locks but, this is not a good idea. A lost key can give anyone who finds it free access to your home, which is a risk you do not want to take. It’s best to be on the safe side and change your locks as soon as you discover your keys missing in order to keep your home safe and secure.


While there are a lot of details to keep track of when moving into a new home, the first thing you should do is to change the locks. Receiving the keys to your new home is exciting, but you never know if all the extra copies have been handed over. It’s important to change the locks as soon as possible to ensure there isn’t someone out there who knows where you live and has a key to your front door.

How to Change your Locks

The good news is that locks are easy and inexpensive to change. You can go to a hardware store and choose locks to install yourself. This is a slightly cheaper option, but the instillation and assembly of the pieces can be tricky to figure out. The easier option is to hire a locksmith like Banham lock installation to change out your locks for you. This will save you some hassle while also ensuring your new locks are higher quality and more secure than the ones you might buy yourself.
